My personal blog – covering aerospace, life and poetry
Leonardo – On polymaths
Testing Times
Day 1 of furlough
First Flight
I am an aerospace engineer with over twenty years experience. This is my personal blog – covering aerospace, life and poetry.
I am an aerospace engineer and this is my story.
Increasingly I’ve reflected on the fact that engineering tends to be seen as either a world of people in hard hats and overalls, or as one filled with people wearing sandals with socks.
Often, the perception is that engineers are uninterested in people, or creativity – and live in a world of machines and computers.
In fact, engineering is about using science and technology creatively to solve human problems.
In the commercial aerospace industry, the human problem we tackle is enabling people to travel the world safely, quickly, cheaply and sustainably.
This blog is intended to share my perspective on working in the aerospace industry, from the mundane moments of everyday life, to the underlying philosophy.
Alongside my thoughts and observations, it will also share poetry I’ve written – a lot of it inspired by my experiences as an aerospace engineer.